Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are Popping Crackers? Are they the same as Poppers?
No, MPC (Majestic Popping Crackers) LLC crackers are not the same as
poppers. The two main differences are: 1) poppers only consist of confetti
inside; nothing else, and 2) Only ONE person is needed to pop open a
MPC popping crackers on the other hand, requires TWO people to pull
open the cracker, and essentially our crackers have several items inside.
Amongst the goodies you will find a party hat, joke or text, and a special gift
for you to keep.
The term ‘Popping Crackers’ is really just an adaptation of the familiar
British label of ‘Christmas Crackers’. Our founder, Ms Majesty adopted the
word ‘popping’ to convey to her customers that MPC crackers do indeed
POP! When you pull a MPC cracker apart, you will hear an audible
‘snap/crack/or popping’ sound, compared to the numerous inaudible ones
on the market that do not pop.
What is the History behind crackers and Majestic Popping Crackers
Christmas Crackers are to celebrate Christmas. They are a long
established tradition throughout the United Kingdom, Europe and other
parts of the world. The crackers are usually pulled during Christmas dinner
on Christmas day. It is a fun, bonding and entertaining activity for all to enjoy!
Majestic Popping Crackers LLC has pushed her British roots to the max
and has cracked through the boundary to create crackers for all different
occasions – not just for Christmas.
We believe that pulling crackers adds that element of surprise, fun, and
uniqueness to your particular event.
Please refer to the ‘About Us’ page for further reading about how it all started.
How Do Crackers Work?
1. You grip one end of the cracker and somebody else grips the other
2. Countdown:"3-2-1" or Count up: “1-2-3” ... PULL!!!
3. ...Both participants pull the cracker at the same time until the cracker
snaps. You should hear an audible popping or snapping sound.
4. Whoever ends up with the larger part (2/3rds) of the cracker wins and
keeps the contents in the centre.
5. Don’t forget to put the hat on and to read out the text nice and loudly
for all to hear.
My children want to try these – are they safe for children?
Yes - These are safe for children 3 years of age and upwards. We do not
recommend these crackers for babies and those under the age of 3 years
due to small parts.
My spouse and I are expecting a baby in a few months and would love
to pop open a cracker to reveal the baby’s gender. Can MPC Help?
Yes absolutely! We hand-craft individual, larger sized crackers and even bumper sized
crackers as well. We have packages that also include our regular box of 6 gender
reveal crackers – Just give us a call and we will do our best to help!
My event is in two weeks to the day. Can I still place an order, or
am I too late?
Our crackers are individually hand-crafted with painstaking care and
attention. This takes time, so please ensure you allow a sufficient
timeframe (approximately 3-5 business day for pre-made standard crackers
and for customized and/or jumbo crackers, we will need at least 7 days notice).
Remember to allow for shipping time. Please also choose the appropriate
shipping speed for your convenience. If in doubt, please contact us.
Can I fill my own crackers? I plan to propose to my girlfriend and I
want to put the engagement ring inside – Is this possible?
Yes absolutely! For safety and security reasons you would need to
personally hand over the item(s) to us and you would also likewise have to
collect the cracker(s) afterwards, once your cracker is completed.
MPC will not be held liable for any loss or damage to customers’ personal
You may prefer to order crackers that are empty with one side untied. We
will include the snapper stick and the ribbon for you to tie the other end of your
crackers. Once you have inserted your items then just complete the
crackers by tying up the ends with the ribbons provided to secure them.
Why should we buy our event crackers from MPC Majestic Popping
Crackers LLC? – What makes you so special?
Well, firstly, our founder is a true British lass. She grew up with the
tradition of Christmas crackers all around her so we jolly well know a thing
or two about crackers! But essentially, we concentrate solely on crafting
crackers for all types of events, all year round! It is our specialty!
Majestic Popping Crackers continues to grow and evolve and give you
CHOICE and flexibility. We have a large selection of crackers for all
different occasions. Our hats (crowns) are layered for extra reinforcement.
You can also add options such as: balloons, confetti, sweet treats and text
type. Would you prefer an inspirational text rather than a joke or riddle? –
or why not mix and match? We give you extensive choices on ribbon
finishes too. Not to mention the personal tabs that add an extra personal
touch. Above all, the choice is yours; dress up or dress down your
crackers - which can’t be bad for your budget either!
I never like to lose out on anything, so how do I know which end is
the winning end?
Haha, that’s a funny but valid question. Unfortunately, there is no answer
to that. There is really no way to detect which side will be the winning end.
You just have to pull and see what happens.
I live locally – can I collect my order or can you deliver?
Yes you can collect your order. You will be notified when your order is ready for collection
and when and where to collect from.
Delivery may be possible for very large orders and with a delivery fee.
Please contact us to enquire.
Can I choose which novelty gifts and sweets I want?
No sorry. Unless otherwise stated on listings – we regret that MPC cannot
honour individual requests for particular inserts. The inserts are selected
purely at random. MPC will not be held to blame if customers do not like a
particular variety, brand or type.
Our customers' satisfaction is our good pleasure. To this end, MPC will strive
to ensure that our customers receive a varied set of inserts per each box of crackers.
One or two of my crackers did not pop or did not pop as loudly as
the others? What can I do?
The loudness or the effectiveness of the snapping/popping depends on
different variables. These could be:
participants not pulling at the same time. We always suggest to do a count-down or
count-up then pulling at exactly the same time
participants gripping differently or using a different technique
thickness or thinness of the actual wrapping paper used
different strengths of both participants (e.g young child versus muscle man).
and any other manner of unknown reasons.
Here at Majestic Popping Crackers, we strive on our customers’ satisfaction, so please do
reach out if there is a problem with the bulk of your crackers. You will need to show us
photographic evidence of the problem (for example, where the cracker has pulled apart
but left the snapper stick still in tact).